School vacation week! Aside from getting to spend some quality time with my two little cherubs, vacation week also affords me some flexibility in my training. I didn't have to rush home from Masters swim to get the kids ready for school, and got in a couple of my double workouts before my husband even left for work.
On Wednesday I planned my bike ride for mid-afternoon. I had the kids out all day and felt justified in putting them in front of a movie so I could get in my hour & 15 min. ride at 3pm. This would allow me to shower, make dinner, and have a relaxing evening with my husband after putting the kids to bed. Aaaahhh.....
I got the snacks and drinks, set up the movie in the basement, went to get on my bike, and the phone rings. It's our contractor, who has a crew coming over RIGHT NOW to fix a chronic leak in our downstairs playroom. Argh!
I broke the news to the kids, got changed, and figured I still might have time to get the ride in before dinner. No such luck. They worked in our basement until 6pm.
We had dinner, and I got the kids upstairs early, thinking if I got them to sleep by 7pm, I'd be finished with my ride around 8:15, and that's not SO bad.
Guess what?! They weren't tired. But I was! I was lying in bed with my daughter, trying not to nod off, wondering how the heck I was going to get through this ride.
By the time she finally fell asleep it was almost 7:45. Gulp. I would be on my bike until 9pm. And this wasn't just an easy ride. It involved 6 intervals where I had to go all out for 5 minutes with 3 minutes recovery in between. And between Dan traveling and me being sick, I couldn't possibly skip this workout.
I did the first 5 minutes and swore I would die before I could do that 5 more times. I did the second and thought if I could get through three, then at least I'd be half-way there. I made it through the third and started feeling a tiny bit more confident. I got through the fourth and fifth by just counting in my head. I don't know why that worked, but it did. And then I got to six and I was so psyched to be almost done with these things, that I just plowed through it.
It was exhausting, but the Ironman will be even more exhausting, so I'm glad I pushed myself and got through it. Although the worst part was that I had to jump in the shower, get into bed, and get up at 5am and get right back on the bike. Oy.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
Feeling Feeble

I've been googling endurance training and illness and I've learned that this is a common problem. The immune system weakens after long endurance workouts, and having two small children in school is probably leaving me susceptible to all kinds of viruses.

Between Dan being away in SF and me being sick, I have missed all 3 of my morning swims and one short bike ride this week. I should be able to make up one swim this weekend, but still, not a great week. I have a 3-hour bike ride and 1/2 hour run to do tomorrow morning and Deanne and I are very excited to get OUTSIDE and hit some hills, so I'm resting up today, drinking a ton, and hopefully I'll be ready to roll tomorrow.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Vampire Weekend
I spent the week thinking I'd do half of my 4-hr Saturday ride on the trainer and the other half outside. I couldn't even fathom riding indoors for four hours. I wanted to start at 4:30am because I also had to do a 1/2 hour run immediately after, but I realized on Friday that it would be too cold (for me, anyway) to ride outside at 6:30am. So, I had to suck it up and do all four hours on the trainer. FOUR HOURS pedaling and going nowhere. It was purely mind over matter. My MIL lent me the first season of True Blood on DVD, so I figured it was as good a time as any to start watching that. Wow! What the heck is my mother-in-law doing watching that stuff?? No matter. It made for very entertaining watching as I pedaled away in my basement. Nothing like a lot of blood, sex and gore first thing in the morning. I heard the first pitter-patter of little feet around 6:45 and quickly jumped off the bike and put it on Hulu where I could watch mindless sitcoms for the last 2 hrs.
My nutrition for those four hours consisted of: 5 sports bottles (4 sports drink, 1 water), 1 english muffin with peanut butter, and 4 chocolate Power Gels.
Also, I had to get off the bike for a minute every hour just for a psychological break, and also for bathroom breaks, turning on the Wii for my son, refilling water bottles, and shutting off the soft-core vampire porn.
I was supposed to stay in my Zone 2 heart-rate, but I was exhausted from running the night before, my legs were tired, and I stayed mostly in Zone 1 for the first 3 hours, spent most of the last hour in Zone 2, and then at 3:50 had to do 5 minutes of Zone 4, which was killer. My legs were totally spent. Amazingly, once I started running, I felt great and my heart-rate was right where it was supposed to be and my legs felt totally fine.
The rest of the day was spent pulling my kids around in a wagon for an Easter Egg hunt, cleaning the house for my in-laws, putting together Easter baskets, and then in bed by 9pm to start all over again the next morning.
Happy Easter! This morning I had to do a 45-minute bike and a 90-minute run. I wanted to finish before the kids woke up, which is normally around 7am, so I was on my bike by 4:15am, did a 100 RPM ride while I watched another True Blood (an Easter classic!) and then ran out to Marblehead Neck and back before the sun was even fully up. I was home by 6:40! And it wasn't good enough! The kids had woken up at 5:30 and my husband had bravely kept them corralled in our bedroom for over an hour until I got home so I wouldn't miss the Easter festivities. It wasn't a good scene. The road to the Ironman is paved with Mommy guilt.
It was a hard weekend, but week 15 is done and my family hasn't disowned me yet. On to week 16......
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Morning Recap
I spent my last morning of week 14 doing my longest workout yet: a 3:30 ride followed by a 30 min. run. I woke up at 3:59 am, one minute before the alarm was set to go off. I gathered my pile of clothes, Garmin, and heart-rate monitor that I'd left in the hallway and headed downstairs. I was going to fill up all of my water bottles and get my food ready last night, but I fell asleep with the kids -- which has sadly been the norm lately.
I was on my bike by 4:30, and decided to use the Spinervals Lake Placid Ride DVD. The DVD is just under 3 hrs, so I made sure I had plenty of adrenaline-fueled music to get me through the last 40 minutes.
The ride was supposed to be done in my Zone 2 heart-rate range, which is all aerobic, but I always have a hard time getting my heart rate even that high on the bike, so it usually ends up in the high end of Zone 1 and the low end of Zone 2. At the 3-hour mark I had to bump it up to Zone 4 for 5 mins, which is excruciating -- the longest 5 mins. ever.
I know it sounds boring to watch a DVD for 3 hours of some guy riding a bike, but I can't really focus on anything with much of a plot while I'm training, so watching the pretty scenery and making note of all of the hills actually helped pass the time.
At around 7:30 am I heard the pitter-patter of little feet over my head and knew the kids were up. Apparently they've lost interest in my suffering, because they didn't even come down to say hello.
At that point it was time for the music, and here is what got me through the brutal 5 minutes of all-out Zone 4:
The Misfits: Teenagers From Mars
New Politics: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
AWOL Nation: It's Not Your Fault
These songs are not meant for little ears, and they need to be loud for the full heart-rate-raising effect, so head-phones are a must.
By the end of my ride, I consumed a total of: 4 1/2 full sports bottles (3 sports drink, 1 1/2 water), a peanut butter and honey sandwich, a banana, and 2 Gu's. I was down to the dregs with my Gu's, and ended up with a Huckleberry flavor, which was as bad it is sounds.
The fact that I only had to make 1 pit stop during my ride means that most of those sports bottles wound up soaking my basement floor. I sweat an incredible amount. I always put an old dishtowel over my bike while I ride the trainer so the sweat won't get all over my components and corrode the hardware, and by the end of this ride, it was sopping wet. Gross!
With the ride done, I quickly got my running gear on, said a quick hello/goodbye to my family and did my 30 min run. I actually felt really good! Although good is a relative term here, meaning I didn't throw up, fall down, or crawl back to my house Julie Moss-style.
It was a great way to end the week. The weather was cool and sunny, my heart-rate stayed right where it was supposed to be, and I maintained 9:30-9:40 minute miles. It was a good confidence-builder.
On to week 15!!
I was on my bike by 4:30, and decided to use the Spinervals Lake Placid Ride DVD. The DVD is just under 3 hrs, so I made sure I had plenty of adrenaline-fueled music to get me through the last 40 minutes.
The ride was supposed to be done in my Zone 2 heart-rate range, which is all aerobic, but I always have a hard time getting my heart rate even that high on the bike, so it usually ends up in the high end of Zone 1 and the low end of Zone 2. At the 3-hour mark I had to bump it up to Zone 4 for 5 mins, which is excruciating -- the longest 5 mins. ever.
I know it sounds boring to watch a DVD for 3 hours of some guy riding a bike, but I can't really focus on anything with much of a plot while I'm training, so watching the pretty scenery and making note of all of the hills actually helped pass the time.
At around 7:30 am I heard the pitter-patter of little feet over my head and knew the kids were up. Apparently they've lost interest in my suffering, because they didn't even come down to say hello.
At that point it was time for the music, and here is what got me through the brutal 5 minutes of all-out Zone 4:
The Misfits: Teenagers From Mars
New Politics: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
AWOL Nation: It's Not Your Fault
These songs are not meant for little ears, and they need to be loud for the full heart-rate-raising effect, so head-phones are a must.
By the end of my ride, I consumed a total of: 4 1/2 full sports bottles (3 sports drink, 1 1/2 water), a peanut butter and honey sandwich, a banana, and 2 Gu's. I was down to the dregs with my Gu's, and ended up with a Huckleberry flavor, which was as bad it is sounds.
The fact that I only had to make 1 pit stop during my ride means that most of those sports bottles wound up soaking my basement floor. I sweat an incredible amount. I always put an old dishtowel over my bike while I ride the trainer so the sweat won't get all over my components and corrode the hardware, and by the end of this ride, it was sopping wet. Gross!
With the ride done, I quickly got my running gear on, said a quick hello/goodbye to my family and did my 30 min run. I actually felt really good! Although good is a relative term here, meaning I didn't throw up, fall down, or crawl back to my house Julie Moss-style.
It was a great way to end the week. The weather was cool and sunny, my heart-rate stayed right where it was supposed to be, and I maintained 9:30-9:40 minute miles. It was a good confidence-builder.
On to week 15!!
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