Thursday, June 14, 2012


I had a post half-written, mainly kvetching about how tired I've been this week and worrying about a couple of missed workouts. As I was writing, that little voice inside my head (which seems to give me nothing but grief lately, BTW), chimed in and said, "But you GET to do this!" And that little voice is right. I get to do this. I am lucky. I am lucky to be able to worry about how I'm going to fit in that run before my kids' end-of-the year show. I'm lucky that I got to make the choice to take an extra rest day this week and make board-books with my kids instead. I'm lucky that I get to get up in the morning and put one foot in front of the other and kiss my kids and head out the door.

I've been thinking a lot this week about my friend Deanne and her family, who suffered a heartbreaking loss last week after a close family member passed away. He endured a long, tragic illness and left behind his wife and young son. 

While I had never met him, I saw firsthand how this has affected Deanne and it really put things in perspective. I am lucky. Stop whining and fretting about missing your Masters swim and just enjoy the ride. My problems are small and I'm blessed to have them. 

So while I mostly try and squash that voice inside my head, because she's usually such a bitch, this time I listened. I'm not going to write about how tired I am (even though I am). I'm just going to say how much fun I had having some extra family time this week. Enough said.  


  1. Nice post Kerry-I need to remember this more often too.

  2. Well said my friend. I have certainly had a lesson on putting things in perspective lately and I hope it carries over the next few weeks because I will need to remember that I too am lucky to be able to do this. Damn I'm tired though:)

  3. So hard to remember this, but so important to.

  4. very well said. I do think about this often.. I complain about my hurting legs but then think of those who cant walk, or complain about my disaster of a house and think of those whose homes have been destroyed or those who have no home. My condolences to Deanne and my best wishes to both of you with your training.
