Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Final Countdown

Just got this again from the Ironman people, and this time I think I can finally say, "Hell, yeah!!" The days are ticking down now. We're leaving for Lake Placid first thing in the morning and I'll hopefully be able to register and start working on my Special Needs bags. Thanks to my amazing friends who watched my children while I packed like a maniac and made an emergency trip to the bike store for a new tire, I was able to get everything organized in the last two days.

And thanks to my amazing Ironman friends, I've gotten some great advice on what I'll need for the course. When I register, I'll get 5 bags to fill: one for my dry clothes for after the race, T1 supplies (transition from swim to bike), T2 supplies (transition from bike to run), Special Needs bike (anything I might need at the 1/2 way point on the bike) and Special Needs run (anything I might need at the 1/2 way point on the run). I can put anything I want in these bags: food, dry socks, Body Glide, spare tubes, pics of my kids..... anything that will help me get through the course and also lift my spirits when I need it.

I'm having a hard time believing that by this time next week, it will all be over. I'm glad I registered for a trail marathon in the fall because I feel like there's going to be a big void in my life once this is done. Despite all the stress and exhaustion of training for an Ironman, I can honestly say it has been a truly great experience and I just hope it results in a successful race day!


  1. WOOOOOHOOOOOOO! I have read Deanne's post on how to follow you, and will be watching and cheering for you from Salem. So amazed!

  2. yahoo! it is almost time. you have done the work and sunday will be great. I was telling Melanie that I predict that rather than being in terrible pain for a couple of days you will just be starving and tired. haaha. cant wait to see you on sunday! if you need anything just text me!

    and I totally get that void thing. I get it after running a marathon. It is good that you already have another event to look forward to and train for. :-)
